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Magento 2 Instagram Integration Extension

Magento 2 Instagram Integration Extension

tim carrigan900 10-Nov-2019

Magento 2 Instagram Integration extension lets you make the benefit from your Instagram account to shape and grow your business. Simply update the Instagram content on your Magento 2 store and endorse the products with Instagram images. Apart from just showcase, you can set on Instagram images to make use of indirect marketing by setting caption with hyperlink or product feed with it.


-> Showcase Instagram images & Videos on homepage & product page

-> Simply fetch Instagram images and also show CMS pages

-> Edit image information like titles, links, related products directly from Magento 2 Instagram Integration extension.

-> Image titles can be linked to redirect visitors to a particular page.

-> Connect image with a caption to redirect the visitors to a product page by linking the image captions.


Using the extension is as easy as ABC, simply authenticate your Instagram profile by adding user access token, set the number of images to show on various pages of your Magento 2 stores, fetch images, set hotspots and voila! Instagram is ready to rock your Magento 2 stores for an amazing look and better conversions than ever.

I'm Magento 2 developer and i love to share magento related updates.

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